Little Green Plant

A Beautiful Lie

This seems to have been a hazy subject for many years. Is smoking marijuana a sin? One might say “But God made it!” Is it a drug? Another might say “But its natural!” Where do they stand and how do they stand together? Can they? Do they? The answer is astonishing: YES, they can and NO, they don’t. But how can this be? See how Lucifer used the raw truth of scripture to craft a deadly lie.

Joseph M. Salaiz’s Little Green Plant breaks down this puzzle, using research and biblical facts for both answers. A former satanist, convict and drug addict, Salaiz eventually surrendered himself to Jesus Christ, but only after quite a fight. In Little Green Plant, Salaiz testifies to the truths concerning this subject, and the beautiful lie that has made a way for marijuana to subtly slide onto the throne in place of God, denying his power.

Take a look at where our world is heading. These times are extremely expressive, and the relevance of this topic is at a historical high (no pun intended). Then ask yourself: Where should a Christian stand, spiritually, with regard to this “green” movement? Is there really hope for those consumed by addiction and enslaved to a dark lie? Do marijuana and God mix? You might be surprised at the ways they do and do not.

This book was written with courage and faith by one who bought into the beautiful lie until it nearly consumed him, body and soul as you will also see. For you who are grappling with questions about drug use and abuse, the answer might be right here in these pages. So, take the time to read Little Green Plant, and start seeing through the lie. This book will truly make a unique topping to any personal library. May God bless you.